Belajar dari Ramsey dan Flamini (1)

Monday, 30 September 2013

Aaron Ramsey dan  Mathieu Flamini

Diluar kalangan para penggemar sepakbola, dua nama diatas bakal cukup asing di dengar, mungkin level reputasi dan ketenaran mereka berdua belum sekelas Cristiano Ronaldo dan Lionel Messi, yang bisa dibilang hampir semua orang udah pernah dengar namanya.

Mereka adalah dua pemain sepakbola Arsenal, keduanya gelandang. Well gue ga bakal bahas tentang gimana hebatnya mereka bermain bola atau bagaimana sebaiknya orang-orang mendengar namanya. Ya, mungkin sedikit sih, tapi ada sedikit cerita tentang Aaron Ramsey dan Mathieu Flamini.

Flamini aja dulu kali ya. Mathieu Flamini, pernah main di Arsenal dan pergi taun 2008, dan kembali di tahun 2013. Kalau nonton Arsenal, yang didominasi sama pemain berteknik tinggi, kreatifitas dan pergerakan serangan yang oke, dribel keren, penuh style dan cenderung flamboyan, Flamini ini adalah seorang pemain yang tidak memiliki semua itu sebaik rekan-rekannya. He is the hard man. Namanya tidak seterkenal Wilshere, Ozil, Walcott, Cazorla, tidak seflamboyan dan sekreatif mereka, mainnya pun ngga setenang Arteta, offensive positioning dan all-round playnya juga ngga seoke Ramsey misalnya.

Tapi dibalik semua hal yang ngga seoke rekan-rekan sekelilingnya, dia adalah pemain yang menjaga mesin Arsenal tetap bekerja. Justru, Flamini sadar akan semua keterbatasannya dan sekaligus tau apa yang harus dia lakukan dengan kemampuannya. Berkali menutup pergerakan lawan, meneriaki teman supaya fokus dan mengatur lini pertahanan di tengah, terjang sana-sini, tekel, bahkan kadang berani melakukan pelanggaran cerdik yang agak keras. The pundit says, he does the dirty work. Dia ngga ikut maju dan dribel bola lama buat melewati lawan, ngga bikin operan yang membuka pertahanan lawan. Tapi dia pemain yang berjuang merebut bola dan mencari rekan setimnya untuk melakukan hal yang lebih produktif ketika menyerang, sekaligus menjaga ball retention di lini pertama penyerangan.

Mungkin, di kehidupan kita, kita juga kadang mengalami keadaan dimana kita merasa berada di lingkungan yang cukup bikin kita "minder", bukan karena kita ga bisa, tapi apa yang bisa kita lakukan, rekan atau teman atau orang di sekeliling kita selalu ada yang melakukannya dengan sangat flamboyan, menarik perhatian, dan membuat, katakanlah, kantor tempat kita bekerja jadi terkenal, mencapai target, dan memenangkan sesuatu. Well, we can learn from him.

Tidak masuk kategori hebat melakukan sesuatu hal, bukan berarti kita ngga jago melakukan hal lain. Mungkin atasan atau orang lain ada yang tetap percaya sama kita melakukan suatu tugas karena mereka percaya, sebenarnya apa yang benar-benar kita miliki sangat berguna untuk hal tsb, daripada hal yang kita ingin kita miliki. Mungkin bisa membuat orang-orang tetap bersatu, terarah, atau bekerja keras sehingga teman-teman kita yang lebih jago di bidangnya bisa tetap berkontribusi maksimal. In short, learn what your role needs! Semua orang punya kapabilitasnya masing-masing.

Flamini ngga punya kemampuan dribel dan playmaking macem Wilshere atau Ozil, ga secepat Walcott, ngga seflamboyan Cazorla. Tapi dengan menjalankan tugasnya sebagai gelandang bertahan, yang ga semua penonton dan fans ngelihat perannya, sekaligus menjaga fokus dan daya juang teman-teman disekililingnya, membuat nama-nama yang disebut tadi bisa lebih bebas berkreasi dan tidak harus begitu keras menjalankan peran yang tidak begitu bagus mereka lakukan: tracking back dan bertahan.

Pelajari siapa dirimu, berdamai dengan apa yang kamu kuasain. Tapi bukan berarti cuma puas segitu-gitu aja. Flamini ga bakal berada di Arsenal kalo dia bukan pemain profesional yang bekerja keras dan mendorong dirinya hingga ke batas, dengan dia sadar perannya sebagai gelandang bertahan. Sadarilah kita semua punya peran penting di kehidupan.


Back to the Past for Future Glory?

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Ever feel that you fall in love again with your past, let's say, at one day you just realized that letting go of your ex is one of your worse decision you had made?

Sometimes yeah we will feel that our days and life achievement and story is not the same or may more hollow. And by the lifestory permits and with some of your little effort, you get back again and try to rewrite "an unfinished story". With a high hope that you will struck luck and more success with life. Ever experienced that? Back again with your past?

That what happened with Ferrari (with Kimi Raikkonen), and not so long before, with Arsenal (with Mathieu Flamini).

LCGC and the Rise of the Middle Class is a Recipe for Traffic Nightmare.... and Fuel Crisis

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

A few days ago I read a news about a new car called as Low Cost Green Car produced by one of the world biggest car manufacturer, named Toyota Agya and Daihastu Ayla. Well if you havent read it, just google it. As far as I know, LCGC is government’s policy, which excludes the luxury tax on such cheap and environmentally friendly cars by between 25 percent and 100 percent. In short, the government gives incentive for manufacturer to produce and sell car which must fulfill the requirement this category.

Daihatsu Ayla, the LCGC (photo from JakartaGlobe)
In a big metropolitan city such as Jakarta, which daily dose of traffic jam is at very frustrating level, addition for potentially another thousands of city cars is not going to help the traffic jam. Agya and Ayla, which designed to be sold at a rather cheap price and low tax, I'm sure it will be a massive hit here in Indonesia, especially Jakarta. And with that addition of high numbers of new cars each month, how in earth the city road will cope with its traffic? Presuming that still many older cars are still there in the market and of course in the road?

With the rise of the middle class economy, inline with that so called Indonesian / Asian economic boom, the number of people who can afford to buy this car will continue to grow, and the tendency for having a car parked in the garage is so high because here the society still consider the ownership is a way to get a social status. Well, with the quality and efficiency of mass public transport are still low, we can assume that the number of car passing by each day in the road will continue to arise, maybe in a steep rate.

That two combination, the rather cheap price city car, promoted as economically and environmentally friendly car and the rising number of people who have enough money and lifestyle to afford it, will resulted to a booming number of this small city car. The local fuel price is not helping either, with government still subsidized a lot for fuel price, a litre of standard fuel (Premium) is sold at Rp6000, less than half a euro, I believe many car owner here in Indonesia will consider this as affordable.

As I mentioned before, how can the road traffic, especially in Big Cities such as Jakarta will cope to this? Now just I mentioned the fuel thing, environmentally friendly aside, logically the more car drives in the street, there will be more fuel consumed, therefore, is not really a fuel/energy saving move by the govt and the society, however the green the car is. More road traffic plus more fuel consumed. Wow, how long this nation and its citizen can cope with that in the long run?

So what I suggested here? Buying and owning a car is not really I'm against with. People can do whatever they want, or buy, is their money, not mine. But road and fuel/energy things is a matter that really affect public. In my point of view, cheap and environmentally friendly car is not a good idea, in fact, it could be worse than more expensive and more powerful car. Maybe it will be better if, the mass public transport is going better and more efficient. More people moving in a single machine. Well, wont it will be far more better if the mass public transportation is a cheap and environmentally friendly, eh?

-Forgive me for grammar mistakes-


Ingin Beda atau Udah Beda?

Monday, 9 September 2013

Nowadays, those who so called hipster more and more become a trends, in real life or in internet. Well anyone can have their own meaning of hipster. But what I see is more and more people, or sadly, group of people, is trying hard to identified themselves differ from others, sometimes trying to hard from in fact they just try to differ because of their insecurities or whatever reason they have. The problem is not the hipsterities or their try to become identified in society, as society is a complex system and has a dynamic nature, they just can't do it smoothly or in some point annoying.

What is this phenomenon with hipster things? People trying hard to personified themselves with non-label indie music, phrasing an difficult-to-digest words and sentences, weird clothing, anti mainstream gadget, photo-quaotation instagram, etc but in fact their own inner personal is not living their own skin to show. In short, only skin deep.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not against the idea for going "anti-mainstream" thing or hipster at overall. The world nowadays required a well strong persona identifier. But first, care to your inner personalities and character power, whatever it is, you won't care that it will end up as a hipster or be counted "mainstream", it is your real one right? Well, I confessed that I've been through such thing like this. 

My point is, just don't try and do things as only be wanted called a hippie because your lack self-awareness. Well, I confessed that I've been through such thing like this. 

Yes, people can do whatever they want. So do I, I can post my own opinion, right?
As one of my friends said, "Don't be mainstream in anti-mainstream way, but be strong-streams though is in a mainstream way"

Btw check this video, his words or phrasing choice is wonderful. Though I sensed that he did in a sarcastic way, mocking the current trends of hipsterities in words choice! (in Indonesian)